The Star News Network’s Neil W. McCabe Live from Atlanta, Will Ask Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Real Questions on Election Fraud

Neil McCabe

Live from Music Row Wednesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Leahy welcomed The Tennessee Star’s National Political Editor Neil McCabe to the newsmaker line live from Atlanta, Georgia, where he is preparing to question Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on evidence of election fraud.

Leahy: We are joined now on our newsmaker line live from Atlanta, with the very best national political editor in the country, The Star News Network National Political Editor Neil W. McCabe. Good morning, Neil!

McCabe: Michael, I’m very pleased to be here with you.

Leahy: Neil, I was watching this terrific program last night, our new strategic partnership between The Star News Network and Stephen K. Bannon’s WarRoom. It’s called Stephen K. Bannon’s WarRoom Battleground. You can watch it. You can listen to it on the John Fredericks Radio Network.

Also, you can watch it on Rumble and several other outlets. I was watching it last night and there was a stellar performance of Neil W. McCabe talking about what’s going on in Arizona and what’s going on in Georgia. It was the Stephen K. Bannon-and-Neil W. McCabe-political analysis-and-comedy routine. It was fabulous. Great job.

McCabe: Michael, you know, I was hired to deliver the mail. (Leahy laughs)

Leahy: And you delivered it. It was not a comedy routine, but it was really an outstanding political analysis delivered that anybody who likes politics, you got to go to every night from 6:00 p.m. to 07:00 p.m.

And you can go to The Star News Network and we will give you the link where you can watch it. But, Neil W. McCabe, you are on it. Aaron Gulbransen was on it to talk about the swing districts that we were talking about.

Yesterday you had an interview with Garland Favorito of VoterGeorgia. What did you learn from Garland Favorito down there in Atlanta?

McCabe: So VoterGeorgia finally got a hold of all of the digital images of all of the ballots for Fulton County, Georgia. And they did an analysis.

And Favorito is a 40-year veteran of the computer and information systems industry. And so he basically did a computer analysis of what happened. And he found a lot of very scary things.

One of them was that someone, some actor, performed a search-and-replace program where legitimate, authentic ballot images were replaced with basically forged ballot images.

Another thing he found is that the scanning machines would scan one ballot per second and all of the ballots, whether they were walk-in ballots or mail-in ballots, all ballots were scanned before the count. These ballots were scanned in one second per ballot, but there was a slew of ballots that all had the exact same timestamps.

Leahy: Exact same timestamps.

McCabe: Yes. Which suggested to him that an entire batch was dumped into the results.

Leahy: What’s going to happen with this report, Neil W. McCabe?

McCabe: One of two things. Somebody will take it seriously and they’ll go to court. The courts will throw out the Georgia election and will do a do-over. What may happen is that it just piles up on the list of things that happened in 2020 that nobody wants to talk about.

Leahy: A long list, and a particularly long list in Georgia. Now you’re down there and you coined a phrase. I thought it was great that when you were talking with Stephen K. Bannon on WarRoom last night, you’re going to do a soft ambush of the RINO Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

The Republican, who certified the election results on November 20th of a narrow 11,000 vote victory for Biden out of 5 million votes cast. And yet he had not looked at any of the chain-of-custody documents for the 600,000 absentee ballots deposited in the 300 dropboxes around the state at the time he certified the results. What’s the likelihood that you’ll be able to get in front of Brad Raffensperger and ask him a whole series of questions about this?

McCabe: Well, we’ll find out today. We’re going to the State House and we’re going to give it a shot. Garland Favorito is also testifying at the Georgia State House today in front of the House Government Affairs Committee.

He’s giving a copy of his report to every lawmaker. And maybe the horse is out of the barn on 2020, but at least maybe this will give impetus to people to speak up and stand up for voter and election integrity.

Because what happens is that the overwhelming tsunami of mainstream media and the Leftists and their Democratic allies is you can’t talk about it. It didn’t happen. And so when armed with the facts, hopefully, this will give some people the necessary spine implants that they need.

Carmichael: Neil, this is Crom. I got a quick question for you. So in Georgia, there were 300 what we call Zuckerberg boxes, and they’re now going to be in the 2022 election. There will still be 100 drop boxes.

What’s the difference in the way those 100 will be monitored and how the ballots that are put into those 100 boxes will be controlled so that we don’t have another mess.

And I think that when you have 600,000 ballots that go into the Zuckerberg boxes and the story that you just explained, there’s no question but that there was fraud. And so the question is, in 2022, what safeguards are in place so that what happened in 2020 doesn’t happen again?

McCabe: There are no safeguards in place. They created a fake voter and election integrity bill. They gutted it so that Stacey Abrams and the other people wouldn’t sue them and they wouldn’t have to risk going to federal court. Drop boxes were a problem in 2020. Ballot harvesting is illegal in Georgia.

Leahy: Explain ballot harvesting to our listeners.

McCabe: Ballot harvesting is when a political operative collects mail-in ballots or absentee ballots from people. And so basically what will happen is they’ll mail ballots to everybody, and then you just go to all the nursing homes and all the apartment buildings and knock on everyone’s door and say, hey, this morning we have the mail-in ballots, fill it out and give it to me. And then they bundle it up and they drop it off en masse.

Carmichael: Do you have to apply for an absentee ballot in writing?

McCabe: You have to apply for an absentee ballot. And every state has its own rule. But what they did in 2020 is they just mailed everything.

Let’s say you get a bunch of your people to request them, or you request them for them as you see in nursing homes where you have 1,000 percent participation in voting.

And then what do you do with forged ballots? Just having dropboxes is a problem because there’s no chain of custody. And so every other stooge who walks into their high school gymnasium and shows a voter ID and their name gets crossed off a list and then you go into a booth, compared to some joker dropping 1,000 forged ballots into a drop box …

Leahy: Which is, apparently there’s video evidence of that in key counties in Georgia. In January, Raffensperger ‘opened investigation’ into that. There’s a video of a guy dropping hundreds of ballots at like 2:00 in the morning at one of these 300 drop boxes.

I think it was in Gwynette County. But why is Raffensperger slow-walking that investigation? He announced it in January. Nothing’s happened since. What’s the deal?

McCabe: The guy has been parading around like he’s campaigning for the Pulitzer Prize. And I stopped Trump. And so then he’s presented with True the Vote.

Leahy: True the Vote presents to them all this video that they obtained, the surveillance video in those counties that kept it, that show at two in the morning a bunch of people are basically dropping off hundreds of ballots, in essence, evidence of illegal ballot harvesting.

McCabe: And they tracked people’s cellphones and you can almost watch them do it on a map as they go through this circuit. Listen, the guy was in charge and watching the most corrupt election in modern Georgia history.

What’s he supposed to do? Don’t expect Raffensperger to stand up and say, yes, I screwed up. I was in charge and I just let them just rob the place. He’s going to go down saying there’s no such thing as fraud and I was right.

Leahy: He’s trying to run out the clock. He’s got a primary challenge. May 24th is the primary. It looks to me like he announced this investigation. I don’t think anything else is going to happen. What are your thoughts on that?

McCabe: I’m not going to hold my breath. He did it with greater aplomb, but he did it on January 5th. Raffensperger is campaigning on conservative media and he’s making the rounds and he’s running in a Republican primary as a Republican who stood up for the rule of law and like, hey, you may not have liked the results, but I stood up for the rule of law. The alternative is to have government by a strong man, which of course, means Trump.

Leahy: But he’s not looking into the evidence of election irregularities at all.

McCabe: No.

Leahy: Are you going to be the only guy that will ask him these questions today?

McCabe: (Chuckles) I think he’s been asked a lot of the questions.

Leahy: Not these questions. He’s not been asked these questions because they’re giving him a pass. But you, the champion of soft ambushes, might just be able to succeed with that today.

McCabe: We’ll give it a shot, Michael.

Listen to the full interview:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.





















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